Theodore Parker Church has joined UU Mass Action and more than 100 organizations and churches to oppose the expansion of infrastructure at Hanscom Field proposed by Massport. The expansion would add 17 hangars for private jets, more than doubling the size of the airport located in Bedford, Mass. and substantially increasing carbon emissions from increased private jet traffic.

With an 84% favorable vote and following the TPC bylaw’s Statement for Public Venue process, on Sunday February 23, 2025, the congregation adopted the Resolution of Faith Opposing Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom Field and Anywhere in Massachusetts. This vote allows TPC to speak with a united voice against the climate destruction that this project would cause if built. The resolution calls for three specific actions: 1) for TPC to join the Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere coalition; 2) that TPC requests that the Governor take all possible actions to prevent the proposed expansion; and 3) that Resolutions on TPC letterhead and signed by the board chair be sent to a list of governmental officials.

Two changes to the original resolution were adopted: 1) to add the Secretary of Transportation and the Massport board members to the list of officials receiving signed resolutions; and 2) to add the words “in Massachusetts” after “…private jet expansion at Hanscom or anywhere” except when referring to the SPJE Coalition by name. This change was adopted as the Governor and officials receiving the resolution only had authority in Massachusetts.

The Hanscom Education Team thanks the congregation for its participation in this process and for supporting this resolution. After the action steps are taken, the congregation may begin to contemplate the best ways to use its strong action statement on addressing climate change to build momentum for stopping the Hanscom expansion.

The resolution is here.


The SPJE Planning Team: Mary Russell, Mary Boyle, Margo Custer, Gretchen Dietz