This event has been rescheduled from May 29 due to possible inclement weather. Plants donated by our own gardeners are offered for sale. Funds benefit building improvements. Come early for the best selection!
Come see and celebrate the completion of the long-anticipated parish hall accessibility project, our new solar panel array, and the National Historic Landmark designation of our buildings and statue!
If you are unable to attend the Open House on June 5 in person, you can join remotely from 2:30-3:00 p.m. ET! This meeting will include a pre-recorded tour of the Open House highlights and walk-through of the buildings, live video feed, and a chance to see and say HI to some friends. To join, … Continue reading Virtual Open House
Approval of the budget at the annual meeting is an important responsibility of church membership. Please attend this presentation to learn and ask questions about our FY22 projected income and expenses.The proposed operating and capital budgets are posted on the Members & Friends page of the church website. Zoom link here.
The agenda of the annual meeting includes reports from the Standing Committee chair, votes on the FY2022 budgets and slate of officers, other new business, and special recognitions. All members and friends are welcome to attend this Zoom meeting, but only members may vote. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 5212 5893 Passcode: 356298 … Continue reading Annual Meeting