Samurai v. Monk

This service looks at one of the perennial challenges with which people contend: conflict. How do I win? What if I lose? When there are winners and losers, in a way, everyone loses. Another option quietly beckons.

The Rev. Ken Reeves is a graduate of the Starr King School for the Ministry and has served congregations in Ohio and Delaware. He has also earned a Masters in Pastoral Counseling and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He is currently a clinical psychologist with a therapy practice and a consulting psychologist with the Center for Career Development and Ministry. He is also the author of: The Whole Church, Congregational Leadership Guided by Systems Theory.

Children are welcome to join our worship this morning; there will be no seperate children’s programming. Nursery care will be available for children 4 and under in our nursery.

Join in person or on Zoom.
