Due to the inclement weather, our building is closed today, and we will be having a Zoom-only worship gathering. Today’s worship will be a brief service inviting us to pause, to lean into the rest and beauty of a snow day, and to connect with one another. Our previously planned worship service, “Is There Any Hope?”, has been rescheduled to March 2. The special meeting to vote on Opposing Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom has been postponed until February 23.
This morning you are invited to come as you are, and with whatever helps you to feel relaxed and cozy — wear your pajamas or bring a warm blanket! Invite your family or your pets! Make some coffee or tea! You may also want to bring a candle to light a chalice, as well as something to write with. If having something to do with your hands helps you to relax and focus, we especially invite you to cut out paper snowflakes while you listen as a meditative practice.
No activities in person as the building is closed – join us on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96469349357