TPC Talk Guidelines

This private group has been created to facilitate communication among members and friends of Theodore Parker Church. As members of a Beloved Community, we strive to live in alignment with our covenant: “to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.” The same spirit should prevail in all of our posts to this group. Although only group members receive these posts, keep in mind that emails are easily forwarded and made public. 

Purpose of TPC Talk

This email group is intended to inform church members and friends about church affairs and activities, social justice and volunteer opportunities, and other interactions that promote the mission of, and educate subscribers about, the church, the UUA, and Unitarian Universalism. We also encourage its use to build community, such as by informing people about opportunities for social interactions (lectures, movies, concerts, outings, etc.). The purpose is always to educate and inform—never to belabor, embarrass, or disparage. 

Inappropriate Posts

Inappropriate posts are strongly discouraged and may be deleted. The moderators—members of the Communications Team—will have broad discretion in ensuring compliance with these guidelines. Posters who fail to comply will first be warned and thereafter may be barred from posting or even unsubscribed from the group. 

Please avoid the following types of posts: 

  • posts that promote one’s own business or that advertise commercial activities unrelated to TPC
  • sensitive personal information about yourself or others more appropriately raised in the context of pastoral care 
  • posts of likely interest, relevance, or concern only to a small subset of the church community, including replies of importance only to the original poster 
  • rumors, speculation, gossip, idle chatter 
  • repetitive arguments or exchanges that introduce no new information (People engaging in extended debate will be encouraged to continue that process between themselves.) 
  • posts using inappropriate language or images 
  • online petitions, except those relating directly to the church, the UUA, or its social justice goals  
  • advocacy for (or against) particular political officeholders or candidates for political office, or other expressions of a partisan political nature that might jeopardize the church’s tax-exempt status 

Future Revisions & Feedback

These guidelines, drafted by the Communications Team and approved by the Standing Committee (now called the Board), will be revised periodically as necessary. Please forward your questions, suggestions, comments, or complaints to